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Table 3 Mean Ratings of Patient’s Satisfaction using MyEducation:CABG application (N = 23)

From: A pilot study on development and feasibility of the ‘MyEducation: CABG application’ for patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery


Intervention group (n = 23)

Mean (SD)

Design of the application n (%)

23 (100) a

Composition of the application is consistent.

3.84 (.652)

The apps make it easy to learn.

3.77 (.812)

Design, color and font of the screen are very attractive.


Contents n (%)

17 (73.9) a

Learning objectives are clearly presented.

3.91 (.610)

Content is clear and easy to understand.

3.74 (.621)

Learning contents give us clear information.

3.84 (.531)

The information will be useful for me.

4.09 (.610)

Usability. n (%)

15 (65.2) a

It is easy to access the app.

3.28 (1.031)

It is helpful for self-learning.

3.77 (.611)

The app is more interesting than one-on one-education.

3.86 (.560)

The app is an effective strategy for discharge education and can lead to healthy lifestyle.

3.79 (.675)

I want to use the app continuously.

3.86 (.675)

  1. aNumber of respondents
  2. Patient User’s-satisfaction ratings: 1 = not at all satisfied; 2 = not satisfied; 3 = partially satisfied; 4 = satisfied; 5 = highly satisfied