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Table 3 From meaning units to themes [35]

From: Keeping calm on a busy day—an interpersonal skill home care patients desire in health workers: hermeneutical phenomenological method

Examples of meaning units, condensed meaning units, sub-themes, and themes from the analysis of interviews with older home care patients in Norway

Meaning units

Condensed meaning units



‘They’re supposed to be looking after me, not just acting selfishly and looking at their watch’.

‘They should be focusing on me, that’s actually their job’.

‘I wish they would sit down a bit, so I can see they’re relaxed’.

Correspondence between body language and actions

Time for each individual patient

Person-centred care

Congruent communication

Keeping calm on a busy day

Mental presence

‘I want to decide when to go to bed myself, but they come and help me when they can’.

‘I can soon tell if there’s no contact. I just wish there were more people of the type I have real contact with!’

A desire to be independent, but still dependent on help

Patients relating differently to different health workers


Closeness and distance

Having a say