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Table 4 Correlation between nurse care behavior and its domains with Moral Sensitivity and its domains in nurses in COVID-19 Pandemic

From: The relationship between moral sensitivity and caring behavior among nurses in iran during COVID-19 pandemic

Nurse care behavior and its dimensions

Moral Sensitivity and dimensions

Modifying autonomy

Relational orientation

Following the rules

Experiencing moral conflict

Structuring moral meaning

Expressing benevolence

Moral Sensitivity

Respect for others

r = 0.11

P = 0.027

r = 0.19

P = 0.001

r = -0.115

P = 0.02

r = 0.274

P = 0.001

r = 0.08

P = 0.106

r = 0.063

P = 0.205

r = 0.146

P = 0.003

Assurance of human presence

r = 0.12

P = 0.016

r = 0.187

P = 0.001

r = -0.108

P = 0.029

r = 0.202

P = 0.001

r = 0.098

P = 0.048

r = 0.055

P = 0.273

r = 0.143

P = 0.004

Communication and positive trend

r = 0.152

P = 0.002

r = 0.201

P = 0.001

r = -0.078

P = 0.115

r = 0.243

P = 0.001

r = 0.135

P = 0.007

r = 0.093

P = 0.06

r = 0.188

P = 0.001

Professional knowledge and skills

r = 0.055

P = 0.27

r = 0.039

P = 0.435

r = -0.086

P = 0.083

r = 0.189

P = 0.001

r = 0.014

P = 0.779

r = 0.06

P = 0.226

r = 0.02

P = 0.689

Attention to the experience of others

r = 0.144

P = 0.004

r = 0.19

P = 0.001

r = -0.133

P = 0.007

r = 0.305

P = 0.001

r = 0.107

P = 0.32

r = 0.07

P = 0.159

r = 0.168

P = 0.001

Nurse care behavior

r = 0.137

P = 0.006

r = 0.199

P = 0.001

r = -0.117

P = 0.019

r = 0.267

P = 0.001

r = 0.107

P = 0.031

r = 0.063

P = 0.204

r = 0.164

P = 0.001