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Table 3 Study design and interventions’ appraisal based on the RE-AIM framework

From: Workplace health promotion interventions for nurses in Germany: a systematic review based on the RE-AIM framework

Author (year)

Study design






Delphi Score

a) sample size (n)

b) age

c) female (%)

Becker et al. (2017) [45]

RCTa/ CGb: physiotherapy exercises

a) 68 (IGc = 34; CG = 34)


not reported

not reported



b) (Md\(\pm\) SDe) IG: 44.41 ± 9.89; CG: 43.09 ± 10.75

functional status of the locomotor system

3 months


- restriction of muscle strength: n.s

functional status of the locomotor system

c) IG = 85.29; CG = 88.24

- restriction of maximum degree movement: n.s

- restriction of muscle strength: not reported


- restriction of everyday activities: n.s

- restriction of maximum degree movement: not reported


pain severity/ impairment by pain:

- restriction of everyday activities: n.s


- due to maximum degree movement: n.s

pain severity/ impairment by pain:


- on everyday movement: ↓*

- due to maximum degree movement: not reported


- impairment

- on every day movement: ↓*


due to pain: n.s

- impairment due to pain: n.s

Becker et al. (2020) [46]

RCT pilot study / CG: physiotherapy exercises

3rd follow-up

not reported

not reported

not reported



 a) 44 (IG = 24; CG = 20)

24 months

 b) (M ± SD) 43.98 ± 9.59

functional status of the locomotor system

 c) 86.36

- restriction of muscle strength: n.s


- restriction of maximum degree movement: ↓*


- restriction of everyday activities: n.s


pain severity/ impairment by pain:


- due to maximum degree movement: n.s


- on everyday movement: n.s


- impairment due to pain: n.s

Bernburg et al. (2019) [51]

RCT pilot study / CG: non-intervention

a) 86 (IG = 44; WCGh = 42)


not reported

not reported



b) (M ± SD) IG: 31.3 ± 2.5; WCG: 32.8 ± 2.1

perceived job stress: ↓**

6 months: perceived job stress: ↓**

 c) IG = 82; WCG = 79

12 months: perceived job stress: ↓**

Görres et al. (2013) [55]

Longitudinal intervention study / no CG

a) 119

not reported

nine inpatient LTCi facilities

not reported

not reported


b) 55% > 45 years

c) 85

Kozak et al. (2017) [54]

Pre-experimental pilot study / CG: no CG

a) 22

not reported

Six inpatient LTC facilities, each with two wards

not reported



b) n (%) ≤ 39 = 4 (17.3) ≤ 49 = 11 (47.8) ≤ 59 = 7 (39.1)

6 months: time spent in sagittal inclinations exceeding 20° ↓**, exceeding 60° ↓**, static inclinations ↓**, duration of static inclination > 20° ↓**

c) 100

Maatouk et al. (2016) [49]

Pilot study / CG: no CG

a) 9

not reported

not reported


not reported


b) not reported

c) not reported

Maatouk et al. (2018) [50]

RCT / CG: non-intervention

a) 107 (IG = 52; WCG = 55)

TxG (ITTk)

four acute medical care hospitals

not reported

not reported


b) (M ± SD) IG: 51.62 ± 4.65; WCG: 52.6 ± 5.56

- Well-being: n.s

c) IG = 87; WCG = 87

- Mental health-related quality of life: ↑*

Müller et al. (2016) [52]

RCT / CG: non-intervention

a) 70 (IG = 36; CG = 34)


one acute medical care hospital

not reported

not reported


b) (M ± SD) IG: 44.67 ± 9.34; CG:

- ITT with adjusted p-value: well-being: n.s

42.74 ± 9.91

- PPl with adjusted p-value: well-being: n.s

c) IG = 94.4; CG = 94.1


Zimber et al. (2010) [48] & Gregersen et al. (2010) [47]

Quasi-experimental / CG: non-intervention

a) 202 (IG = 76; CG = 126)


eleven inpatient LTC facilities (later implementation in about 150 inpatient LTC facilities)


not reported


b) not reported

- competences (personal, professional, social, organisational, overall, internal control conviction, self efficacy): n.s

c) not reported

- Social ressources (relationship to residents: ↓**, climate/ communication with colleagues/with supervisor: n.s.)


- Work load: n.s


- Consequences of stress: n.s


- Organisational ressources: n.s

Zimber et al. (2012) [53]

Quasi-experimental pilot study / CG: non-intervention

a) 85


One acute medical care hospital

not reported

not reported


b) n (%) 20–29: 18 (21.2) 30–39: 24

- Influence at work: n.s

(28.2) 40–49: 24 (28.2) 50–59: 13 (15.3) > 60: 2 (2.4)

- Scope for decision-making: n.s

c) 70.6

- Development options: n.s


- Social support (from colleagues: n.s., from supervisor: n.s.)


- Feedback (from colleagues: n.s., from supervisor: n.s.)


- Sense of community: ↑*


- Competences (methodical: n.s., social: n.s., professional self-efficacy: n.s.)


- Stress management (emotion-oriented: n.s., problem-oriented: n.s.)


- Irritation (cognitive: n.s., emotional: n.s.)


- Emotional exhaustion: n.s


- Depersonalisation: n.s


- Personal fulfillment: n.s

  1. aRCT Randomised controlled trial
  2. bCG Control group
  3. cIG Intervention group
  4. d M Mean value
  5. eSD Standard deviation
  6. fTxG Time x group interaction effect
  7. gn.s not significant
  8. hWCG Waitlist control group
  9. iLTC Long-term care
  10. jWGD Within group differences
  11. kITT Intention-to-treat analysis
  12. lPP Per protocol analysis
  13. ↑ increase, ↓ decrease * = p < 0.05, ** = p < 0.01