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Table 1 Example of a Structured Learning Activity for Year 2 nursing students in Primary health care

From: Preceptors’ and nursing students’ experiences of using peer learning in primary healthcare settings: a qualitative study

Structured learnings activity – Telephone counselling

Learning subject: Communicates, assesses, plans, and co-operates with patients, relatives, and different professional groups in the care team and patients’ chain of care

Suitable for: Nursing students Year 2, Primary Health Care

 1) Preparation:

  Be theoretically prepared to perform telephone counselling in a primary healthcare setting, read the guidebook for questions and advice

 2) Listen to the conversation between the preceptor and the patient, take notes in order to observe the conversation technique

  •How is the conversation performed based on evidence? Are there follow-up questions: both open and directed / closed? Describe and give concrete examples

  •How is the conversation carried out based on the structure and in accordance with the conversation phases?

  •Describe the nurse’s feedback to the patient

 3) Reflect with your fellow student

  •The conversation process: How was it? How was the theory integrated into practice?

  •Nurse core competence: Person-centered care – Integrated in communication? In what way? Concretize

  •How do you think the patient experienced the conversation?

  •Discuss what is important to think about if the patient had communication difficulties, such as language barriers, hearing impairment, or cognitive impairment

  •Reflect on what could have gone wrong and what the consequences would have been

  •What elements do you want to discuss with the preceptor?

 4) Feedback and discussion with the preceptor