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Table 2 Overview of physical assessment skills curriculum

From: Nursing students’ development of using physical assessment in clinical rotation—a stimulated recall study

Organ system

Physical assessment skills curricula

Heart and peripheral circulatory system

Inspect extremities for skin colour/hair growth

Palpate distal pulses

Count pulses

Palpate for oedema

Palpate and inspect capillary refill

Estimate turgor

Evaluate extremities for skin sensation

Assess fine motor skills

Take blood pressure

Auscultate heart sounds

Auscultate carotid artery

Respiratory system

Inspect thorax for shape, breathing effort

Inspect thorax for skin colour/scar

Palpate thorax wall for thoracic expansion and vocal fremitus

Percuss lungs

Auscultate lungs

Assess SpO21

Abdominal system

Inspect abdomen

Auscultate abdomen for bowel sounds

Abdominal palpation

Percuss the abdomen

Percuss for kidney tenderness

Neurological system

Evaluate mental status

Evaluate CN I–XII2

Evaluate muscle strength, atrophy, tone

Evaluate sensation of touch

Assess coordination and balance

Evaluate patella and plantar reflexes

  1. 1SpO2: blood oxygen level,2CNI-XII Cranial nerves numbers 1–12