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Table 3 Themes and subthemes identified

From: A qualitative study on mothers’ experiences attending an online infant massage class: “It is funny! I feel close to my baby!”



 1.Favorite session

 Practicing infant massage

  Massage technique

 2. New knowledge and skills they gathered

 Massage technique

  Information about infant massage

  Bonding and caring for babies

 3. Benefits

 Benefits of infant massage class (Understanding infant massage, obtaining new knowledge, excited to perform infant massage)

  Emotional benefits of infant massage (happy, grateful)

  Benefits of practicing infant massage (less fussy infant, comfortable, calm, happy)

 4. Barriers during infant massage class

  Poor Internet connection

  Infant availability to take part in the class

 5. Factors related to infant massage practice

Facilitating factors:

The baby has a good mood and free time

Hindering factors:

The negative mood of babies forgot the strokes and annoying siblings

 6. Mother’s hope

 Babies grow and develop optimally

  Babies become active children