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Table 2 Knowledge on PCA of surgical ward nurses

From: Nurses’ knowledge and attitudes toward patient-controlled analgesia for postoperative pain control in a tertiary hospital in South Korea



N (%)


N (%)

Basic configuration of PCA equipment


 1. PCA is used only for intravenous injection. (No)

93 (79.5)

24 (20.5)

 2. PCA always has on automatically infused dose. (No)

78 (66.7)

39 (33.3)

 3. Bolus is used when the pain is unbearably severe. (No)

82 (70.1)

35 (29.9)

 4. The PCA lockout interval is the time interval from one use of the bolus to the next available use, all of which are 15 min. (No)

90 (76.9)

27 (23.1)


86 (73.3) a

31 (26.7) a

Opioid analgesics


 5. PCA includes all opioid analgesics. (No)

47 (40.2)

70 (59.8)

 6. PCA is more effective for postoperative pain control than PRN opioid analgesics. (Yes)

65 (55.6)

52 (44.4)

 7. Fentanyl citrate is suitable as a PCA drug for patients with impaired renal function. (Yes)

62 (53.0)

55 (47.0)

 8. The most common side effect of PCA use is nausea and vomiting. (Yes)

114 (97.4)

3 (2.6)

 9. Postoperative wound healing is delayed due to the use of PCA. (No)

117 (100.0)

0 (0.0)

 10. The incidence of addiction due to the use of PCA is very rare. (Yes)

100 (85.5)

17 (14.5)

 11. The incidence of respiratory depression due to the use of PCA is very rare. (Yes)

86 (73.5)

31 (26.5)

 12. Urinary retention is common with PCA use. (No)

88 (75.2)

29 (24.8)

 13. If delirium occurs, PCA use should be stopped. (No)

39 (33.3)

78 (66.7)


79 (68.2)b

38 (31.8)b

Confirmation and management while using PCA


 14. Consciousness and respiratory depression may occur during PCA use; therefore, the level of consciousness and vital signs should be checked regularly. (Yes)

112 (95.7)

5 (4.3)

 15. There is a risk of respiratory depression when using PCA in patients with sleep apnea, obesity, liver, kidney, cardiopulmonary dysfunction, and taking sedatives. (Yes)

110 (94.0)

7 (6.0)

 16. Patients using PCA should be assessed for pain regularly. (Yes)

117 (100.0)

0 (0.0)

 17. Nurse should check regularly for side effects while using PCA. (Yes)

117 (100.0)

0 (0.0)

 18. The normal operation of the PCA, the amount of injection, and the injection site should be checked regularly. (Yes)

117 (100.0)

0 (0.0)

 19. The catheter of epidural PCA can be removed at any time, even if bemiparin sodium or enoxaparin sodium is administered. (No)

88 (75.2)

29 (24.8)

 20. Education on how to use PCA is effective after surgery in the recovery room or hospital room. (No)

32 (27.4)

84 (71.8)


99 (84.6)c

18 (15.4) c

  1. (N = 117)
  2. PCA patient-controlled analgesia; PRN pro re nata; a = average number and % of correct/incorrect answers for items 1 to 4; b = average number and % of correct/incorrect answers for items 5 to 13; c = average number and % of correct/incorrect answers for items 14 to 20