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Table 2 Brief description of ACTFAiREST2

From: Introducing ACTFAiREST2 to implement online assessments amid COVID–19: a case study from a low resource setting


Strategies to consider for Implementation

1. Align with curriculum & learning outcomes

Matching of an assessment to each learning outcome.

2. Clarity of instructions & wording

Clearly stating detailed guidelines.

Standardize the assessments.

Well-developed rubrics for assessment.

Use variety of ways (such as video, audio, written) to provide guidelines

3. Timeliness of meaningful feedback

Provide constructive feedback to students in timely manner

4. Fair & transparent marking strategies

Share grading policies with students at the beginning of the course

5. Accessible & accommodating assessments

a. innovate and imagine

Make assessment intuitive and engaging

Offer choices in how students meet learning outcomes

6. Range of Assessment Tasks

Provide range and variety of assessment tasks

7. Evaluate Objectively

Develop competency-based assessment

8. Student Levelling

Not all students are at same level; do not assume homogeneity

9. Timing & Time

A balance and integration between formative and summative assessments.

10. Test on Point not for Tech

Assessments should be graded on the content not the technical competency. Give clear instructions or demonstration and use practice time for any technical competence required in completing an assessment.