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Table 1 Identified main themes and subthemes from the semi-structured interviews

From: Engaging patients in patient safety: a qualitative study examining healthcare managers and providers’ perspectives



Role of patients, families, and caregivers in patient safety

Role of patients

Active involvement in care

Self-care and being compliant

Speaking up and reporting errors

Role of families and caregivers

Providing information about the patient to the medical team

Speaking up and reporting errors

Delivering quality at-home care

Barriers to patient engagement

Barriers related to patients

Lack of patients’ awareness regarding their role

Low health literacy and lack of knowledge

Lack of patient trust in health system and providers

Cultural beliefs

Socioeconomic backgrounds

Linguistic and communication barriers

Barriers related to healthcare providers

Unwillingness to involve patients

Time constraints and high workload

Barriers related to the health system

Healthcare setting -related barriers

Educational barriers

Lack of resources barriers

Organizational cultural barriers

Communication barriers

Facilitators of patient engagement

Increased awareness and knowledge of patient and healthcare providers

Promoting patient participation in patient safety as an international priority