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Table 2 Themes and sub-themes

From: Newly qualified registered nurses’ and midwives’ experiences from rural health district placement in Namibia

Main themes


1. Encounters with rural community members

1. Culture shock

2. Language barrier

3. Labelled as outsiders

2. Encounters with colleagues

1. Adequate support and teamwork

2. Unrealistic expectations

3. Staffing, management and supervision

1. Insufficient nursing staff and lack of ancillary staff

2. NQRN/Ms challenged with leadership skills

3. Inadequate supervision

4. Shortage of resources and infrastructure, and unreliable communication networks

1. Shortage of equipment and clinical supplies

2. Power outages

3. Unsafe and bad roads

5. Social life

1. Feelings of loneliness and isolation from friends and family members

2. Financial burden

3. No opportunities for personal growth