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Table 2 Demographic and study-related features by latent profile membership

From: Subgroups of self-directed learning ability and their differences in professional identity among nursing undergraduates during the COVID-19 pandemic: a latent profile analysis



(N = 2438)

n (%)

Profile 1

(n = 749)

n (%)

Profile 2

(n = 1325)

n (%)

Profile 3

(n = 364)

n (%)




368 (15.1)

118 (15.8)

173 (13.1)

77 (21.2)


2070 (84.9)

631 (84.2)

1152 (86.9)

287 (78.8)




564 (23.1)

177 (23.6)

300 (22.7)

87 (23.9)

 19 ~ 21

1676 (68.8)

518 (69.2)

908 (68.5)

250 (68.7)


198 (8.1)

54 (7.2)

117 (8.8)

27 (7.4)

Place of residence



1431 (58.7)

466 (62.2)

771 (58.2)

194 (53.3)


1007 (41.3)

283 (37.8)

554 (41.8)

170 (46.7)



 First-year student

657 (26.9)

208 (27.8)

342 (25.8)

107 (29.4)

 Second-year student

599 (24.6)

179 (23.9)

327 (24.7)

93 (25.5)

 Third-year student

661 (27.1)

228 (30.4)

349 (26.3)

84 (23.1)

 Fourth-year student

521 (21.4)

134 (17.9)

307 (23.2)

80 (22.0)

Voluntary choice of the nursing major



952 (39.0)

237 (31.6)

554 (41.8)

161 (44.2)


1486 (61.0)

512 (68.4)

771 (58.2)

203 (55.8)

Student cadre or not



1646 (67.5)

450 (60.1)

929 (70.1)

267 (73.4)


792 (32.5)

299 (39.9)

396 (29.9)

97 (26.6)

Participation in undergraduates’ innovative entrepreneurial training programs



905 (37.1)

263 (35.1)

491 (37.1)

151 (41.5)


1533 (62.9)

486 (64.9)

834 (62.9)

213 (58.5)

Participation in teachers’ scientific research projects



352 (14.4)

86 (11.5)

189 (14.3)

77 (21.2)


2086 (85.6)

663 (88.5)

1136 (85.7)

287 (78.8)

Participation in clinical practicum



1827 (74.9)

495 (66.1)

1045 (78.9)

287 (78.8)


611 (25.1)

254 (33.9)

280 (21.1)

77 (21.2)

Career intention


 Clinical nursing work

1070 (43.9)

303 (40.4)


163 (44.8)

 Further education

897 (36.8)

248 (33.1)

517 (39.0)

132 (36.3)

 Non-nursing careers

311 (12.7)

136 (18.2)

130 (9.8)

45 (12.3)


160 (6.6)

62 (8.3)

74 (5.6)

24 (6.6)

  1. Profile 1: Low self-directed learning ability profile, Profile 2: Low initiative of help-seeking profile, Profile 3: High self-directed learning ability profile