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Table 2 Themes and categories resulting from data analysis

From: Research article Individual innovation from the perspective of nursing students: A qualitative study



Examples of interview questions

Personal and professional dynamism


Existing from self-made fence

Structural and process change

What does individual innovation in nursing mean in your view?

What are the components of individual innovation in nursing students in your view?

Can you explain the concept of dynamism a little more?

Professional inventiveness

Intellectual inventions in nursing

Practical inventions in nursing

What is the meaning of individual innovation in nursing students?

What is your definition of individual innovation in nursing students?

What are the dimensions of individual innovation in nursing students?

Integration of innovation drivers

Mental, cognitive, and psychological capabilities

Internal stimuli

External stimuli

Support networks

What factors affect the individual innovation in a nursing student?

What are the characteristics of an innovative nursing student?

Can you explain the factors facilitating individual innovation in nursing students?

Can you explain the barriers to individual innovation in nursing students?

Can you explain about your experience of an innovative activity?

In your experience, what factors are helpful, or what factors can facilitate or hinder innovation in nursing students?

What are the solutions to promote individual innovation in nursing students?