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Table 2 Difficulties in recording falls, according to participant’s perceptions

From: CHRONOFALLS: A multicentre nurse-led intervention in the chronoprevention of in-hospital falls in adults

Units of meaning


“I heard, come on, I haven't registered any because I haven't seen anyone fall, but I've heard that it's really difficult and that you have to do I don't know what… and then you have to… that's really difficult” Maybe the most difficult thing is finding the place to enter. Entering the page…”

Non-friendly information system

I think that knowing that it's a confidential thing, that your name doesn't come out. Because maybe there are people who don't register it for fear of what will happen to them later because the patient has fallen.”

Fear of registration

But of course, you think if there is a fall, someone’s going to show you how to register the fall, but nobody trains you. It was a bit on the fly, so if during the rest of your colleagues' shifts there was no fall, nobody teaches you]

Lack of time and personnel

So, you train people and then you get very new people who don't have the training… so it's starting all over again, and it's a bit exhausting

Lack of awareness and motivation