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Table 1 Example of the thematic analysis process

From: Practice education facilitators perceptions and experiences of their role in the clinical learning environment for nursing students: a qualitative study

Meaning units




I believe that it’s important as a practice education facilitator to find a place in the space between the university and the clinical site to bridge the gap between theory and practice, I have been very interested in this issue for many years [P6]

Acts as a liaison between education and placement

Enhancing the collaboration between the university and the placement provider

Coherence between theory and practice

At the university, I can tell them what is possible to do in placement and not. In a sense I’m the realistic one. I believe that it is very important that both sides are represented in these meetings. [P7]

By being present at campus and becoming familiar with what they do there, I can connect learning situations in placement to learning activities the student had at campus prior to the placement period. [P 12]

Connects learning activities at campus to learning situations in placement

Facilitates coherence between learning activities at campus and learning situations in placement

I talk with the supervisors about the physical assessment skills that the students learn at campus and how we can provide relevant learning situations for them to practice on these skills in placement. [P2]