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Table 1 Example survey questions for each section included in the survey instrument

From: Nurses’ perceptions, experiences, and practices regarding human papillomavirus vaccination: results from a cross-sectional survey in Montana

Survey Sections

Example Questions

Participant and practice characteristics (9 items)

Approximately what percentage of patients that you see are eligible for the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program?

Less than 25%



More than 75%

Not sure

Clinic vaccination practices (7 items)

How does your clinic contact patients later to return for their additional HPV vaccine doses?

Phone Call

Text Message


Paper letter/ Postcard

Nurses’ experiences and perceptions of parental vaccine acceptance or hesitancy (5 items)

In your experience, what percentage of parents/guardians refuse or defer the HPV vaccine in each of the following age groups and gender?

Less than 10%



More than 50%

Don’t Know/ Not Sure

Nurses’ attitudes and beliefs regarding HPV vaccination (2 items)

In your opinion, how effective do you think the following strategies would be for increasing

rates of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination among older children and adolescents?

Emphasizing cancer prevention when discussing the HPV vaccine with parents and older children and adolescents

Very Effective

Somewhat Effective


Not Effective

Don’t Know/Not Sure

Other demographic questions (6 items)

Which of the following age groups do you belong to?

Less than 20 years

21–30 Years

31–40 years

41–50 years

51–60 years

≥ 60 years