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Table 2 Consumer involvement reported according to GRIPP2-SF [58]

From: The ACCELERATE Plus (assessment and communication excellence for safe patient outcomes) Trial Protocol: a stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial, cost-benefit analysis, and process evaluation




To collaboratively involve consumers as research partners at all trial stages


Recruitment occurred either during the previous feasibility study or at the initial stages of trial development. Consumers will be offered appropriate compensation [59]


Consumers will contribute by:

- Ensuring trial aims, methods, intervention components and outcomes are aligned with patient and public interests

- Providing a consumer perspective and input for the intervention and its implementation

- Contributing to and reviewing trial documents, materials and resources

- Providing a consumer perspective and advocating for patients at trial Management and Steering Committee meetings

- Chairing Steering Committee meetings

- Planning and presenting at the nursing unit manager leadership one-day workshop

- Interpreting findings and developing publications

- Advising on the future upscale of the intervention


Consumers have been embedded as feasible, with respect to:

- Clinical and research knowledge

- Consumers’ availability