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Table 4 Peer group implementation responsibilities

From: Implementing a nurse-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy intervention to reduce the impact of hot flushes/night sweats in women with breast cancer: a qualitative process evaluation of the MENOS4 trial

Peer group



Support the BCNs in understanding what their role and associated responsibilities are and work collaboratively to develop an effective business case to board members.


A key decision maker for implementing a new service and facilitates discussions that enable BCNs to streamline their duties so that work can be re-directed work to administrative/ other supporting members of staff.

Breast Care Nurse

Reflect on current responsibilities to facilitate the re-direction of work and ensure additional work is not taken on that is not congruent with their role.

Communicate the need for new services to managers and operationalise the work.


Create awareness of/demand for a service and communicate needs (or lack of) to optimise patient care.