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Table 1 Questionnaire used with the participants

From: Health education provided by nurses to children and young people: parents’ assessment

Sociodemographic characterization

1. Age

2. Gender

3. Academic/professional qualifications

HE practices provided by nurses’ characterization

1. Do you feel free to talk with nurses about you child health? (Yes/No)

2. Do you feel that nurses have time availability to clarify doubts about your child health? (Yes/No)

3. Does it seem to you to be a prepared approach? (Prepared according to guidelines/Preparation according to identified needs/Without preparation and using improvisation/Other)

4. What themes do they address most? (Healthy eating/Accidents prevention/Nacional Vaccination Plan/Child development/Bullying/Personal hygiene/Sleep routines/Oral health/First aid/Harmful behaviors prevention/sexual education/Other)

5. who do you ask first, when you have child’s health doubts? (Family’s doctor/Pediatrician/Nurse/Other)

HE practice provided by nurses’ evaluation

1. What is the importance of HE practice provided by nurses? (Not important/Less importance/Equal importance/Greater importance)

2. HEAS (Health Education Assessment Scale)