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Table 1 Calculation and interpretation of congruency score

From: Patients’ expectations of and experiences with psychosocial care needs in perioperative nursing: a descriptive study


Perceived Reality


 PR scores (4 or 3)

Perceived Reality


 PR scores (2 or 1)



SI scores (4 or 3)

HIGH-HIGH: Patients report that there is congruency between the care they receive and their assessments of the importance of the aspect of care.

HIGH-LOW: Patients report that there is incongruency between the care they receive and their assessments of the importance of the aspect of care.

Subjective Importance

Low SI

SI scores (2 or 1)

LOW-HIGH: Patients report that there is incongruency between the care they receive and their assessments of the importance of the aspect of care.

LOW-LOW: Patients report that there is congruency between the care they receive and their assessments of the importance of the aspect of care.