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Table 4 Factor labeling and description

From: Design and validation of the presenteeism scale in nursing

Factor’s name

Factor description

The first factor: imperfect cognitive presence

The first factor, which includes eight items, explains 21.406% of the total variance. These items refer to issues such as lack of concentration, distraction, and inability to prioritize tasks. Therefore, this factor was labeled as “imperfect cognitive presence.”

The second factor: imperfect emotional presence

This factor explains 19.003% of the total variance of the instrument. The five items of this factor refer to issues such as loss of compassionate care, lack of understanding of the client’s vulnerability, and loss of emotions and sense of dynamism and vitality at the workplace. Accordingly, this factor was labeled as “imperfect emotional presence.”

The third factor: imperfect movement presence

The third factor explains 15.967% of the total variance of the instrument. This factor, including four items, refers to the issues such as loss of former physical strength, pain in certain physical positions, and inability to stand for a long time. Therefore, this factor was labeled as “imperfect movement presence.”