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Table 1 Just culture dimensions and its definitions

From: Assessment of nurse’s perceived just culture: a cross-sectional study



Feedback and Communication about Events

One’s beliefs regarding whether the organization does an effective job of sharing event information about the events and the outcome of evaluating events

Openness of Communication

The willingness of individuals to communicate event information upwards to supervisors and hospital administrators e.g., willingness to reveal events, share events information, and to make suggestions for improvement within the unit or the organization


One’s perceptions of fair treatment within the hospital as it relates to errors, error reporting, and its systems approach to medical error

Quality of the Event Reporting Process

One’s perceived quality of the event reporting system (which includes the process of entering reports and the ability to follow up on these reports), whether employees are given time to report, and to what extent the employees believe the reporting system is monitored and maintained

Continuous Improvement

One’s belief that the organization demonstrates a goal of continuous improvement, characterized by a willingness to learn from events and make improvements to the hospital system


The extent to which individuals trust the organization, their supervisors, and their co-workers