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Table 3 Students’ views on web-based standardized patient practice

From: Web-based standardized patient simulation for taking anamnesis: an approach in nursing education during the pandemic


Student expressions

1. Feelings during practice

“I felt very excited. On the other hand, I was happy. I felt like I had really become a nurse…”(S10)

“…Since we didn’t get an internship at the hospital, I felt deficient in myself. That’s why it feels so good to have such an opportunity…”(S13)

“…It went well for me, even if it was exciting.” (S2)

2. Students’ self-assessment according to their application skills

…Since I took anamnesis for the first time, I also had some shortcomings and inexperience… the value of these practices will increase for us,.especially if we are not able to be in the classes and in the hospital due to this pandemic.”(S28)

…I think it will be more productive when you are with the patient in the virtual environment. Thanks to this application, I saw my mistakes and understood that I had to overcome my excitement….”(S16)

“I realized that I needed to develop the skill of asking questions to the patient…”(S19)

3. Positive aspects of the application

…As a result of the questions I asked, I understood the patient’s answers and qualities, albeit partially, with his/her changing facial expressions…”(S16)

“…It allows us to communicate with the patient since we could not go to the clinical practice. We can develop relations through the dialogue that will occur…”(S18)

4. Negative aspects of the application

“The negative side is that we only see what the patient shows us.…”(S19)

“We cannot establish full face-to-face communication with the patient and cannot have an effective conversation. We are unable to perform the physical examination…”(S21)

5. Suggestions for the application

Nursing students can improve themselves during the pandemic period by using such applications at certain intervals. …”(S16)

…For the implementation of the application, the creation of the necessary infrastructure that allows interviews through web-based, hospital, and even patient-specific channels will make a significant contribution to the applicability of the program.”(S31)

…Our teacher can organize a live interview about our shortcomings or make a collective criticism about his/her comments after using the application…”(S23)

  1. Note.S: Student