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Table 1 The contents of the debriefing scenario on a simulation of high-risk neonatal care

From: Development and evaluation of case video-based debriefing on a simulation of high-risk neonatal care for nursing students in South Korea: a mixed-methods study


Scenario topics



Initial assessment of neonatal respiration

In the initial assessment, respiratory function-related diagnostic test results were not reviewed and lung sounds were not auscultated


Interpretation of lung sounds

The student was confused by misinterpreting normal lung sounds as abnormal lung sounds during the initial assessment and after endotracheal suction


Interpreting patient monitor alarms

When a patient monitor alarm sounded for airway obstruction due to apnea or sputum, only SpO2 levels were checked and only tactile stimuli were provided


Airway positioning

A low tidal volume alarm sounded because a high-risk neonate was placed in hyper-extension position


Aseptic procedure during endotracheal suction

Hands wearing sterile gloves, a suction catheter, and the ventilator circuit were contaminated during endotracheal suction and hands were not washed after suction


Ventilation during endotracheal suction

Endotracheal suction was continued when SpO2 dropped below 90% and the heart rate dropped, so SpO2 and the heart rate did not recover


Role of the leader

The intervention was incorrect or delayed because the charge nurse focused only on nursing records, without giving proper instructions or help to other members

  1. SpO2 Saturation of percutaneous oxygen