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Table 1 Semi-structured interview guide

From: Exploring elderly patients’ experiences and concerns about early mobilization implemented in postoperative care following lumbar spinal surgery: a qualitative study


Follow-up questions

1. Think back to before surgery, what is your expectation for operation?


2. What challenging or difficult you were facing before surgery?


3. Think back to before surgery, did the hospital, surgeons, or nurses do anything to help you acquaint with the information about the operation and the postoperative rehabilitations?

3A: When did you get the information?

3B: What information did you obtain from them?

3C: Who accompanied you to get the information? Do you think it is necessary to bring others with you together to get the information?

3D: What did you like/dislike about the presurgical education?

4. What challenging or difficult you were facing after surgery?

Did anything surprise you or go wrong?

5. What is your expectation for postoperative ambulation?

5A: How long after surgery do you think is the appropriate time to get up out of bed?

5B: How long did it take for you to feel wholly recovered (if at all)?

6. Did the hospital, surgeons, or nurses do anything to help you prepare or cope for the first-time postoperative ambulation?

6A: What did they do to help you?

6B: What did you like/dislike about the current preparation?

7. Did the hospital, surgeons, or nurses introduce you to the postoperative early ambulation program?

7A: When did you know about the program?

7B: In what form? (e.g., oral, paper, video, APP)

7C: Could you fully understand the program?

7D: What other information about postoperative ambulation do you want to obtain from surgeons or nurses?

8. Did you take part in the postoperative early ambulation program?

8A: What was the reason for you to take part in nor not take part in the postoperative early ambulation program?

8B: When was the first time for you to get out of bed ambulation?

8C: Did anything surprise you or go wrong in your ambulation?

8D: Was there anything you were not prepared for?

9. We want to know your thoughts, behaviors, and feelings that were challenging or difficult for you regarding postoperative ambulation.

9A: Did any thoughts or worries bother you after surgery?

9B: What emotions were the hardest or most uncomfortable to deal with?

9C: Did you use any methods to help you feel better?

10. Did you suffer from extra pain during or after ambulation?

Did you stop the next time ambulation?

11. Did you use any strategies to manage the pain you experienced during or after ambulation?

What have you or others done to make the pain better or go away?

12. What did you or your family need during this period to help you with ambulation?


13. Do you think the postoperative early ambulation program is helpful for you?

13A: What would such a program most concerned do you think?

13B: Is the program gets you benefits?

14. What other information regarded to ambulate you were getting from other channels?


15. Is there anything else you want to share with us?