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Table 1 The contents of simulated video education about prevention of falling

From: The effects of simulated video education about falling on falling rate and fear of falling among hospitalized elderly people: a randomized clinical trial

Number of videos

First video

Second video

Third video


importance of fall prevention, the outcomes and complications of falls, risk factors of falls, preventability of falls, and fall prevention strategies

fall prevention in the current hospitalization ward and contained materials on wristbands and their colors, prevention of fall from bed through adjusting bed height, use of caster brakes and side rails of the beds, use of nursing call bell, avoidance from sudden out of bed, accurate use of walker and wheelchair, use of appropriate shoes, adequate environmental lighting, use of eyeglasses, and other fall-related precautions

educational materials about the different parts of the ward including nursing station, emergency exit, toilets, wall rails, hand grabs in the toilet, nursing call system, and bed lighting system