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Table 5 Theme on the Experience of Emotion Coaching Group Programme

From: Effects of emotion coaching group programme for mothers of preschool children with smart device overdependence: a mixed methods study




Hope for desirable parenting without emotional difficulties

Emotional challenges experienced from the attempt to control smartphone device use

Concerns about increased smartphone use

Parenting behaviour characterized by anger and threats

Repeated cycle of anger, guilt, and regret

Wish to not pass down emotional distress

Frequently experienced anxiety and anger

Parenting style resembling my own parents’

Emotional distress that should not be passed down

Feelings touched by reflection

Changes in the awareness of my and my child’s feelings

Newly discovered value of feelings

Ignoring the child’s feelings because of their age

Feelings that had been suppressed for considering them weak and inappropriate

Being able to empathize with the child’s feelings through effort

Letting go of the obsession over parenting skills

Intentional effort to empathize with the child

Increased empathy while listening to the child

Understanding the child’s feelings through role play

Being able to perceive the value of self by paying attention to feelings

Guilt arising from practice that deviates from what has been learned

My values that had only been perceived by performing my roles

Feeling sorry for myself for neglecting my feelings

Perceiving unconditional self-worth

Acknowledging that I am already a good mother

Beginning to take care of self through compassion

“Feeling journal” helped with rational processing of feelings

Needs expressed based on recognition of feelings

Feelings accepted as is without suppressing or minimizing them

Problems being solved based on feelings

Warm but authoritative parenting

Warm parenting focused on emotion

Acknowledging the child as a unique human being with dignity

Expressing positive feelings more actively

Prioritizing the child’s care over house chores

Applying emotion coaching to my care

Mother’s authority established

Reflecting on the double standards for smartphone use

Adjusting smartphone limits in consideration of the child’s opinions

Strengthening emotion coaching competence using supervision

Children who became responsible by gaining psychological stability

Child’s stability and rich emotional expression

Less frequent crying and tantrums

Child’s softer language

Increased use of feeling words and expression of affection

Child’s voluntary and responsible behaviours

Cleaning up voluntarily

Child’s taking responsibility of their decisions

Looking after sibling voluntarily

Changed view of my home

Playing with mom replaces smart device use

Playing with mom in place of using a smart device

Playing with mom becomes more fun

Increased creative play

More peaceful home

Home free of yelling and crying