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Table 2 Recommendations to improve working conditions for obstetrical nurses during major disease outbreaks

From: Occupational stressors and coping mechanisms among obstetrical nursing staff during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study



Provide additional psychological support

• Schedule regular debriefing sessions

• Offer onsite counselling sessions with mental health specialists

• Provide training workshops on how to improve coping skills

Foster peer support groups

• Implement formal peer support groups by creating a designated peer support role for staff members, providing the designated peer supporters with training, and offering a safe space to host the group sessions [37]

Alleviate physical demands

• Provide self-care stations

• Ensure proper breaks are taken and vacation time is offered

• Hire extra staff to complete non-nursing tasks (i.e., personal support workers or patient care technicians)

Improve communication

• Create a central system to easily update staff

• Conduct group huddles while on shift

Allow flexibility in work schedules

• Offer a greater amount of job share positions

• Implement shorter shift times for the duration of the outbreak

Provide disease training

• Offer simulation training

• Provide up-to-date training on how to properly don and doff personal protective equipment

Increase staff appreciation

• Offer personalized gifts

• Offer pay premiums for times of extreme hardship

• Ensure department remains properly staffed and staff are provided with proper equipment to safely perform their job

Retain staff

• Create a safe and positive working environment

• Form a task force that is focused solely on nurse retention/recruitment [38]