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Table 3 Examples of the analysis process

From: Relatives’ experiences of care encounters in the general ward after ICU discharge: a qualitative study

Meaning unit

Condensed meaning unit

Interpretation of the underlying meaning



I still feel that we were the closest. They (the nurses) could have received some information from us; for example, ‘He’s like this’ and ‘This is how it is’. Yes, because they asked us a lot of questions at the ICU.

I feel we were the closest. They could receive information from us. At the ICU, they asked us a lot of questions.

Wishing to be seen as a resource by the nurse.

Wanting to be seen as an important piece of the puzzle.

Longing for trust and struggling to be involved in their loved one’s care.

I felt that they (the nurses) did not know these things that they needed to know.

I felt that they had to know.

Feeling concerned about nurse’s ability to provide good care.

Being vigilant and worrying about the quality of care.