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Table 2 Measures of the intervention

From: Noise exposure among staff in intensive care units and the effects of unit-based noise management: a monocentric prospective longitudinal study

Noise traffic lights

Visualizing the thresholds of sound pressure level with noise traffic lights (company: SoundEar A/S; model: SoundEar® 3 310 [48]). For positioning, the noisiest locations were identified in advance (i.e. before the actual intervention) by working groups in the respective ICUsa. In each ICU, we installed a total of 3 noise traffic lights [48]. Depending on ICU and localization, the limits of the noise traffic lights were set between 59–67 dBAb for the yellow light and between 62–70 dBA for the red light

Implementation of guidelines

The guidelines included immediate and medium-term measures, as well as measures with low and high organizational effort [18]. In addition, the guidelines considered the individual circumstances of the stations (e.g. type of staff, internal processes). For instance, the following measures were implemented: individual alarm management; adjustment of work processes, such as the restructuring of rounds; telephone calls and conversations outside the patient rooms or in a quiet manner; collegial advice during loud conversations; quiet times

Further unit-based measures

These included preventive and noise-reducing measures: education through one-minute-wonders and informative material, such as posters regarding noise and its consequences; transparency through regular reporting of the interim results of the sound pressure level measurements; checking the correct adjustment of noise-generating technical devices; using stickers and postcards to inform external staff, visitors and relatives about the noise issue

  1. a Intensiv care unit(s)
  2. b A-weighted decibel scale