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Table 3 Mean and Standard Deviation for Polychronic- Monochronic Tendency Scale, (n = 341)

From: Job embeddedness and missed nursing care at the operating theatres: the mediating role of polychronicity

Polychronic-Monochronic Tendency Scale

Mean ± SD

1. I prefer to do two or more activities at the same time.

2.83 ± 1.02

2. I typically do two or more activities at the same time.

2.43 ± 0.84

3. Doing two or more activities at the same time is the most efficient way to use my time.

2.83 ± 1.10

4. I am comfortable doing more than one activity at the same time.

2.94 ± 1.10

5. I like to juggle two or more activities at the same time.

2.94 ± 1.06

Polychronic -Monochronic Tendency Scale

2.79 ± 0.75