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Table 3 Resilience training sessions

From: Examining the impact of time management and resilience training on work-family conflict among Iranian female nurses: a randomized controlled trial




First session

Familiarity: communicating with the audience and familiarizing them with resilience and the rules of participation in the workshop

List of actions to overcome daily stresses.

Second session

Self-awareness/ awareness of one’s capabilities

Describing general features and characteristics, beliefs, values, thoughts, feelings, and personal goals.

Third session

Volubility/ strengthening of self-esteem

Presenting an experience of the impact of self-esteem on life.

Fourth Session

Effective communication and bonding / improving people’s ability to communicate/establishing social relations and making friends

Sharing concrete experiences of your friendships along with the advantages and disadvantages of those relationships.

Fifth Session

Foresight/determining the goal and how to achieve it

Setting short-term and long-term goals on the worksheet.

Sixth session

Self-efficacy/ decision making

Listing decisions made in the past week along with their outcomes.

Seventh session

Self-efficacy/ problem solving

Describing the experience of the problem-solving stages.

Eighth session

Self-efficacy/ responsibility

Delegating a task to a spouse, child, or accepting a new responsibility.

Ninth session

Controlling emotions/ managing anger, anxiety and stress

Performing a weekly reflection.

Tenth session

Meaningfulness/ Cultivating a sense of spirituality and faith

Expressing the difference between optimism, realism, and pessimism.