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Table 7 Mean difference and confidence interval for two-by-two comparison of work-family conflict and its domains between three groups of time management training, resilience training and control

From: Examining the impact of time management and resilience training on work-family conflict among Iranian female nurses: a randomized controlled trial






Mean difference (95% CI)

Mean difference (95% CI)

Work role interference with personal and family life

Time management with Resilience

2.60 (−4.84; 10.04)NS

0.82 (−7.00; 8.64)NS

Time management with Control

−14.92 (− 21.79; −8.06)***

−10.91 (− 18.12; − 3.70)**

Resilience with Control

−17.53 (− 24.45; − 10.60)***

− 11.73 (− 19.01; − 4.45)**

Family dissatisfaction

Time management with Resilience

−2.048 (− 9.85; 5.75) NS

The comparison of three groups was not statistically significant

Time management with Control

−9.909 (− 17.10; − 2.72)**

Resilience with Control

− 7.861 (− 15.12; − 5.61)**

Family role interference with work role

Time management with Resilience

− 0.96 (− 12.69; 10.76) NS

The comparison of three groups was not statistically significant

Time management with Control

−12.45 (− 20.26;- 8.64)**

Resilience with Control

−11.49 (− 20.40; − 7.58)**

Total work-family conflict

Time management with Resilience

0.46 (− 4.13; 5.04) NS

−0.44 (− 5.08; 4.21) NS

Time management with Control

− 8.56 (− 12.79; − 4.33)***

− 5.45 (− 9.74; − 1.17)*

Resilience with Control

− 9.02 (− 13.28; 4.75)***

−5.02 (− 9.34; − 1.85)*

  1. *P value< 0.05; **P value< 0.01; ***P value< 0.001
  2. In all cases, the first group is minus the second group
  3. CI=Confidence Interval; NS=Non-significant
  4. LSD post hoc test was performed