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Fig. 1 | BMC Nursing

Fig. 1

From: Knowledge, practice and associated factors towards intravenous cannula-related infection prevention among nurses working at Northwest Amhara Regional State Comprehensive Specialized Hospitals, Ethiopia

Fig. 1

Schematic presentation of sampling procedure of nurses’ knowledge, practice, and associated factors on intravenous cannula related infection prevention in Northwest, Amhara regional state comprehensive specialized hospitals. Where; UoGCSH University of Gonder comprehensive Specialized Hospital. TGCSH Tibebe Gione Comprehensive Specialized Hospital. FHCSH Felege Hiwote comprehensive Specialized Hospital. DTCSH Debre Tabor comprehensive Specialized Hospital. DMCSH Debre Markos comprehensive Specialized Hospital. n total calculated sample size N total population for all hospitals, Ni total population from each hospital, ni sample size from each hospital. Sur.W Surgical Ward Med.W Medical Ward. Emer.W Emergency Ward ICU Intensive care unit. Peda.W Pediatrics Ward OPD Out Patient Department. Opta.C Ophthalmic clinic

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