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Table 2 Nursing students' professional values development studies summary

From: Professional values education for undergraduate nursing students: developing a framework based on the professional values growth theory



Period of education

1 week, 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 4 years

Target participants

Undergraduate nursing students, post-secondary nursing students

Form of organisation

Values development courses, hidden curriculum, film teaching activities, job experience activities, thematic practical activities, transcultural nursing education, international service learning projects

Education methods

Lectures, seminars, group discussions, oral presentations, reflective diaries

Education strategy

(1) Components of professional values education: (i) early introduction of values in nursing education; (ii) motivating students; (iii) nature of values; (iv) cultural values; (v) examination of personal values; (vi) clarification of the five core values

(2) Professional values model: (i) personal values; (ii) professional nursing values; (iii) quality of care

(3) Core values education: (i) "human dignity" in the first semester; (ii)"integrity" in the second semester; (iii) "autonomy" in the third semester; (iv) "altruism" in the fourth semester; (v)"Altruism" in the fourth semester; (vi) "Social justice" in the fifth semester

(4) The seven pillars of "giving voice to values": values, choices, norms, purpose, self-knowledge and alignment, voice, reason, and rationalisation

(5) A model for teaching values-based inquiry learning: self-awareness, caring and compassionate professional values, and awareness of the values of others

Education content

(1) Group discussion: conceptual definition of professional values, sharing stories of altruistic behaviour, discussion of social justice issues

(2) Experiential activities: sensory substitution experience, participation in a mock job application exercise, acting as a practical room manager, clinical simulation, watching a film related to professional values in nursing, and creating a living advance directive

(3) Teaching activities: participation in study tours abroad, conference preparation, ethics courses, cross-cultural nursing courses, analysis of disciplinary incidents among nurses, clinical apprenticeships, case studies, sharing of public figures' deeds, and public health nursing courses

(4) Social activities: participation in volunteer activities, etc

Evaluation methods

(1) Qualitative evaluation methods: (1) Focus group interviews; (2) Values clarification exercise questionnaire including the following questions: I believe the purpose of nursing is ……; I believe this purpose can be achieved through ……; I believe factors that may inhibit or make this purpose to be achieved factors include ……; I want to become a nurse because ……; I feel it is worthwhile when ……; I do not feel it is worthwhile when… …when

(2) Quantitative evaluation method: questionnaire method (Revised Nursing Professional Values Scale, the Korean version of the Nursing Professional Values Scale)