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Table 3 Selected correlation coefficients of individual explanatory variables obtained from the questionnaire conducted among nurses with the mortality rate

From: Influence of the work environment of nurses on the 30-day mortality of patients hospitalized in Polish hospitals. cross-sectional studies

Independent variable

Negative correlation with mortality rate

staff felt that they might question their supervisor’s decisions or actions regarding their care


nurses are informed about changes introduced on the basis of reports about their negligence and mistakes


the number of other medical personnel providing direct care to patients was greater in relation to the number of nurses


the ward nurse was a good manager


nurses receive timely information from the head of the department that may have an impact on their work


the ward nurse supported the nursing staff even in a conflict with the physicians


a job well done was praised and appreciated


nurses were satisfied with the flexible work schedule



Positive correlation with mortality rate

services were organized to ensure continuity of care (i.e., the same nurse looked after the patient for a long time on call)


the employed staff felt that they were severely punished


in a situation of tension or hostility, the risk of making a mistake is greater


fatigue has a negative impact on nurse’s work in emergencies


management is not knowingly putting patient safety at risk


nurses experienced physical abuse by patients and/or their families


staff felt exhausted at the end of the working day


staff felt tired when they got up for work in the morning


staff felt they were working too hard


after admitting the patient to the ward, they developed pressure ulcers


nurses were involved in the preparation of discharge and transport
