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Table 1 Categories emerged from nursing students’ metaphors from the first encounter with mental patients

From: Nursing students’ metaphors of first clinical experiences of encountering patients with mental disorders



Experience of dealing with a mental patient is similar to fear mixed with excitement

The feeling of fear, excitement, the bitter story to hear, stress, curiosity, surprise, and exciting

The patient is similar to an errant human

Prisoner, the potential or actual killer, mysterious look, punishment, lack of attention

A psychiatric hospital is similar to a prison

Bitter atmosphere, stuffy environment, locked doors, dull color of the walls, the bad color of clothes, lack of entertainment, old hospital, dark staircase, and iron doors with small hatches on them

The nurse is similar to a prison guard

taciturn, no smile, a mother who punishes her delinquent child, passive

The clinical instructor is similar to a supporter, sympathetic and knowledgeable friend

High theoretical knowledge, very skilled in the field of the theory, mobile encyclopedia, lots of information, answers to all questions, very kind and compassionate, easy communication with patients