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Table 2 Overview of the themes and sub-themes from the focus group

From: Exploring advanced clinical practitioner perspectives on training, role identity and competence: a qualitative study



Clinical training lacked structure and support

Academic: well-supported, would benefit from being more bespoke.

Clinical: variable, placement issues, lack of formal structure for supervision

Lack of coherence between academic and clinical settings

Clinical supervision and line management

Existing knowledge and experience appeared to act as both an enabler and inhibitor for ACPs, with implications for confidence

Pattern recognition, learning backwards

Identifying own knowledge/learning gaps

Competence and confidence

The ACP role and associated responsibilities are poorly understood by ACPs and the wider medical profession

Variability across organisations

Lack of awareness and skill utilisation

Struggle to fit in and identify/explain the role

The ACP role is important, but changes are required to provide security to the role in the future

Clinical career progression

Barriers to development of role in the future
