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Table 2 Results of scoring patients with PACT-M

From: Measuring the quality of transitional care based on elderly patients’ experiences with the partners at care transitions measure: a cross-sectional survey



Score\( (\overline{\varvec{x}}\pm \mathbf{s})\)


Patients’ experiences in the preparation for transition

30.69 ± 7.87


Perceived health management support at the hospital

3.54 ± 0.88


1. I felt I could ask staff questions about what would happen after going home

3.76 ± 1.13


2. Before leaving the hospital, I was confident I understood how to manage my medication

3.90 ± 0.95


3. While I was in hospital, there was someone who I could talk to if I was worried

3.82 ± 0.83


4. Before leaving the hospital, I felt confident about what to do if my health became worse at home

3.26 ± 1.21


5. I feel that my concerns regarding my health were addressed before I went home

3.10 ± 1.30


6. I felt prepared to be at home

3.37 ± 1.36


Received information and support at the hospital

3.16 ± 0.99


1. While I was in the hospital, staff helped me to prepare for things that I might find difficult when I go back home (such as walking, cooking, showering, shopping, or being in pain)

3.29 ± 1.10


2. Before leaving the hospital, I understood how to get help (or support) from my community services (e.g., doctors, nurses, and home care staff)

3.09 ± 1.16


3. Before leaving the hospital, I knew what arrangements had been made to support me at home (for example, home care or community care visits)

3.10 ± 1.27


Patients’ experiences with managing their health and care at home

27.59 ± 7.14


Perceived health management support at home

3.29 ± 0.93


1. I feel I have the support I need from community health services (e.g., doctors, nurses, and home care staff)

2.78 ± 1.26


2. I feel confident about managing my health at home

3.09 ± 1.24


3. I feel that there is someone I can talk to about my worries (for example, health care staff or my family)

3.82 ± 0.81


4. I know what to do and who to contact if my health gets worse

3.70 ± 1.01


5. I feel I can now manage my care safely at home

3.03 ± 1.23


Home health management

3.72 ± 0.93


1. I know who to contact if I have any questions about my health and healthcare

3.73 ± 1.16


2. I know how to manage my medications

3.81 ± 1.03


3. I have the necessary support to manage everyday activities (e.g., cooking, cleaning, buying food, showering, walking, and dressing)

3.62 ± 1.06



58.29 ± 14.06