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Table 3 Sample coding sheet

From: Smart glasses use experience of nursing graduate students: qualitative study



Sample Codes

Emotional experiences


It was an exciting experience.

The game was enjoyable.

Reality Perception

I felt like I was there.

It was not lovely to return to the real world after removing the glasses; I loved the environment created.


I was worried because it was the environment I didnā€™t know.

I was afraid of being hit because I was clumsy.

Positive experiences

Immersive Game

The directions in the game were very accurate.

Itā€™s really nice to be able to use glasses. It made me wonder why I hadnā€™t discovered this before.

Enjoyable learning experience

What I saw and read was informative, and it was beautiful.

Excellent educational material has been prepared to both entertain and attract their attention.

The directions in the game were very accurate, my theoretical knowledge was transferred here.

Glasses compatibility

I had no trouble adapting while using the glasses.

Iā€™m nearsighted but I read the articles very easily.

Disadvantages of smart glasses


It can create anxiety and fear for people who do not know.

I am afraid of what can be done because I need a better grasp of new technologies.


Because glasses are very costly, only some have access to them.

Lack of infrastructure

The standard environment created in the game can be any material, but not in the hospital.

Smart glasses side effects

I experienced headaches and different changes in my field of vision.

I had an upset stomach.

Future applications of smart glasses

Knowledge and skill acquisition

It can be used in applications to teach students skills.

Personnel and infrastructure support

It can reduce the number of staff.

It reduces wastage of time.

Nursing care process

Material use and recognition

In the care process of immobile patients

In teaching invasive procedures

Hospital Staff Training

In teaching invasive procedures

In-service training

The orientation process of the nurses

Opinions on game design

Character and environment design

It was nice that it did not look like a hospital, and the characters had an avatar style.

The absence of a standard hospital environment, the nurseā€™s clothes were very friendly.

It would have been better if it was reminiscent of the hospital environment.

Visual design

The design was different and intense.

Color designs can be changed.

Vibrant colors forced.