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Table 6 Relationship between the radiation exposure of the studied sample and their total knowledge score and their practice compliance score (N = 384)

From: Radiation safety compliance awareness among healthcare workers exposed to ionizing radiation

Radiation exposure

Total knowledge score

The total practices compliance score

Years of experience

 Less than 3 years

4.64 (3.09)

7.03 (4,26)

 3– less than 6

4.94 (2.96)

4.82 (3.95)

 6 years and more

5.26 (3.43)

3.67 (3.59)


F = 1.327

F = 26.13

P = 0.267

P = 0.000**

Radiation training


3.86 (3.02)

4.62 (4.17)


5.89 (2.52)

5.88 (4.26)

 Twice and more but irregular

7.23 (2.72)

6.87 (3.98)

 More than once regular

6.9 (3.34)

6.4 (3.57)


F = 27.467

F = 5.582

P = 0.000**

P = 0.001**