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Table 1 Data analysis steps

From: Coping strategies used by undergraduate first-year nursing students during transition from basic to higher education: a qualitative study

Step description

Data analysis activity

Step 1: Organising and preparing the data for analysis

The researcher transcribed the recorded FGDs held using MS Teams, including typing the field notes observed from the video footage. Data was subsequently arranged according to the sources from which it was obtained

Step 2: Reading all the data

The researcher and the co-coder independently read through all the transcribed data in conjunction with the field notes to formulate an understanding of what the participants are saying.

Step 3: Coding all the data

Coding the data was done independently by the researcher and co-coder with the use of computer-aided qualitative data analysis software called Atlas.ti. The researcher loaded the transcribed data into Atlas.ti to initiate coding, which followed these steps: data structuring, generating codes, writing comments and memos, and finally generating outputs in the form of a code. Finally, the outputs generated by the researcher were compared with those from the co-coder to reach a consensus.

Step 4: Generating categories

Codes that were generated in step 3 and agreed upon by the researcher and co-coder were grouped together to identify similarities. After that general descriptions were made in relating codes to generate categories and sub-categories which were then discussed as the major findings of this study.

Step 5: Representing all the categories

In this step, the implications of the findings of this study were discussed in relation to the literature that is already in the public domain.