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  1. Smooth working relationships between nurses and doctors are necessary for efficient health care delivery. However, previous studies have shown that this is often absent with negative impact on the quality of h...

    Authors: Roseline I Ogbimi and Clement A Adebamowo
    Citation: BMC Nursing 2006 5:2
  2. Previous studies on self-rated health among nurses have indicated an association of low job satisfaction and stress in relation to poor self-rated health. The relationship between self rated health and the spe...

    Authors: Noula A Pappas, Yannis Alamanos and Ioannis DK Dimoliatis
    Citation: BMC Nursing 2005 4:8
  3. A delirium, is a serious, high-frequency complication in intensive care unit (ICU) patients. The consequences of this complication range from high morbidity and mortality to greater need for nursing care. Desp...

    Authors: Henny EM Immers, Marieke J Schuurmans and Jaap J van de Bijl
    Citation: BMC Nursing 2005 4:7
  4. Falls and associated negative outcomes in hospitalized patients are of significant concerns. The etiology of hospital inpatient falls is multifactorial, including both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Anecdote...

    Authors: René Schwendimann, Franco Joos, Sabina De Geest and Koen Milisen
    Citation: BMC Nursing 2005 4:5
  5. In view of the issues surrounding physical restraint use, it is important to have a method of measurement as valid and reliable as possible. We determined the sensitivity and specificity of physical restraint ...

    Authors: Danielle Laurin, Philippe Voyer, René Verreault and Pierre J Durand
    Citation: BMC Nursing 2004 3:5
  6. In the UK the health service is investing more than ever before in information technology (IT) and primary care nurses will have to work with computers. Information about patients will be almost exclusively he...

    Authors: Tom Chan, Sarah Brew and Simon de Lusignan
    Citation: BMC Nursing 2004 3:4
  7. In the many descriptive studies on prescribed psychotropic drug use by community-dwelling older persons, several sociodemographic and other factors associated with drug use receive inconsistent support.

    Authors: Philippe Voyer, David Cohen, Sylvie Lauzon and Johanne Collin
    Citation: BMC Nursing 2004 3:3
  8. Nurses' practice takes place in a context of ongoing advances in research and technology. The dynamic and uncertain nature of health care environment requires nurses to be competent decision-makers in order to...

    Authors: Mohsen Adib Hagbaghery, Mahvash Salsali and Fazlolah Ahmadi
    Citation: BMC Nursing 2004 3:2
  9. Quality of life may be affected by daily injections of supportive hematopoietic growth factor medication, which is frequently required by patients with cancer undergoing chemotherapy. The objective of the stud...

    Authors: Susan Haithcox, Carmella R Ramnes, Howard Lee, John Lu and Gary H Lyman
    Citation: BMC Nursing 2003 2:2
  10. Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee, which is prevalent among older adults in nursing homes, causes significant pain and suffering, including disturbance of nocturnal sleep. One nonpharmacologic treatment option i...

    Authors: Pao-Feng Tsai, Kathy Richards and Richard FitzRandolph
    Citation: BMC Nursing 2002 1:1

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    Journal Impact Factor: 3.1
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: 3.5
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    Submission to acceptance (median days): 161

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