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Reviewer acknowledgements 2017

The Editors and staff of BMC Nursing would like to warmly thank all reviewers, whose comments helped to shape the journal, for their invaluable assistance with review of manuscripts in Volume 16 (2017).

Siti Khuzaimah Ahmad Sharoni, Malaysia

Faraz Ahmed, UK

Khaled Al-Surimi, Saudi Arabia

Mohamad Al-Tannir, Saudi Arabia

Elisa Ambrosi, Italy

Mário Amorim Lopes, Portugal

Christos Andreou, Cyprus

Enoch Anto, Ghana

Konstantinos Antypas, Norway

Dian Baker, USA

Sandra Bassendowski, Canada

Linda Baumann, USA

Maureen Benbow, UK

Christine Brown, Australia

Federica Canzan, Italy

Stephanie Chamberlain, Canada

Keung Sum Chan, Hong Kong

Helen Y.L. Chan, Hong Kong

Lynn Chenoweth, Australia

Yung-Wei Chi, USA

Marcus Yu Lung Chiu, Singapore

Louise Condon, UK

Panagiota Copanitsanou, Greece

Darin Correll, USA

Theodore Cosco, UK

Angelo Dante, Italy

Judy E. Davidson, USA

Khairunnisa Dhamani, Tanzania

Geoffrey L. Dickens, UK

Vari Drennan, UK

Rebecca Edwards, USA

Georgios Efstathiou, Cyprus

Magnus Elfström, Sweden

Ali Esmaeili Vardanjani, Iran

Roberta Fida, UK

Elizabeth Forster, Australia

Paul Fulbrook, Australia

Trentham Furness, Australia

Peter Gallagher, Nigeria

Yong-Shian Goh, Singapore

Jane Grassley, USA

Carol Grech, Australia

Theresa Green, Australia

Mary Beth Happ, USA

Yvonne Hauck, Australia

Arvid S. Haugen, Norway

Bronwyn Hayes, Australia

Maria Helena Barbosa, Brazil

Elizabeth Henneman, USA

Karen Hoare, New Zealand

Frances Horgan, Ireland

Majid Hosseinabadi Bagheri, Iran

Kazem Hosseinzadeh, Iran

Suh-Ing Hsieh, Taiwan

Sharyn Hunter, Australia

Esther Johnstone, USA

Boris Miha Kaucic, Slovenia

Sultan Kav, Turkey

Heather Keller, Canada

Lynn Kemp, Australia

Sally Kendall, UK

Lisa Kidd, UK

M. Tish Knobf, USA

Ali Kordzadeh, UK

Kathryn Kynoch, Australia

Susan Latter, UK

Geraldine Lee, UK

Stephen J. Leslie, Australia

Ling Li, Australia

Lori Loan, USA

Luís Felipe Dias Ias Lopes, Brazil

Violeta Lopez, Singapore

Christine Maheu, Canada

Judy Mannix, Australia

Zodwa Manyisa, South Africa

Carina Isabel Ferreira Martinho, Portugal

Matthew D. McHugh, USA

Mick McKeown, UK

Nicos Middleton, Cyprus

Zena Moore, Ireland

Karen Morin, USA

Micheal Mugerwa, Tanzania

Erisa Mwaka, Uganda

Lillian Nail, USA

Reza Negarandeh, Iran

Lynne Nemeth, USA

Linda Ng, Australia

Albert Nienhaus, Germany

Sonya Osborne, Australia

Dorota Ozga, Poland

Maria Clara Padoveze, Brazil

Alvisa Palese, Italy

Daniel Pesut, USA

Pammla Petrucka, Canada

Emil Petrusa, USA

Kathryn Pfaff, Canada

Rita Pickler, USA

Virginia Plummer, Australia

Jamal Qaddumi, Palestine

Hossein Rafiei, Iran

Joanne Ramsbotham, Australia

Farnoosh Rashvand, Iran

Emily Read, Canada

Bernice Redley, Australia

Jan Dietrich Reinhardt, China

Staci Reynolds, USA

Lisa M. Reynolds, New Zealand

Cliff Richardson, UK

Olga Rikklikiene, Lithuania

Silvia Riva, Italy

Trudie E. Roberts, UK

Angel Romero-Collado, Spain

Jh Roos, South Africa

Ann Rowat, UK

Ray Samuriwo, UK

Teresa A. Savage, USA

Eli Schwarz, USA

Souraya Sidani, Canada

Ingeborg Strømseng Sjetne, Norway

Panayota Sourtzi, Greece

Azadeh Stark, USA

Jane Stein-Parbury, Australia

Anthony Summers, Australia

Judith Tate, USA

Richard Taylor, USA

Deirdre Thornlow, USA

Chris Toye, Australia

Shahid Ullah, Australia

Mojtaba Vaismoradi, Norway

Bryan Wilbanks, USA

Lesley Wilkes, Australia

Danielle Williams, Australia

Graham Williamson, UK

Florence Wong, Hong Kong

Edilma L. Yearwood, USA

Linda Yoder, USA

Cara Calloway Young, USA

Annual Journal Metrics

  • Citation Impact 2023
    Journal Impact Factor: 3.1
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: 3.5
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.321
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.894

    Speed 2023
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 15
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 161

    Usage 2023
    Downloads: 3,633,213
    Altmetric mentions: 785

Peer-review Terminology

  • The following summary describes the peer review process for this journal:

    Identity transparency: Single anonymized

    Reviewer interacts with: Editor

    Review information published: Review reports. Reviewer Identities reviewer opt in. Author/reviewer communication

    More information is available here

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